Saturday 23 October 2021


Since the time Nursing as a profession came into existence, has there been any problems arising from it…..?
If there was, what led to it…. And has Anyone drafted any solution so Far?

If the answer is No, then Why is Nursing in Kenya different from Nursing in other countries?

A beautiful profession from its origin, why should it crumble in front of the people needing its help….?

A profession that embraces all Races from different regions, different ethnicities…. Different religions…..

A profession with simple goal and target!!!…. Why should it babies die of Misunderstanding???……

As an Hindu, christian,muslim, budhist, atheist… And others, should our priority be about our religion,wants,desires, targets or about the calling of Nursing which is to save life…..?

We laugh and hug in public and plot against each other when we retire to our ethno-religious enclaves,”

Once in a while, this mistrust finds grotesque expression among our people as we witness bloodbaths premeditated by ethno-religious contempt for each other.

Should this be the reason for coming to Nursing? This beautiful profession?

development is low in almost all parts and Tributaries of Nursing and there appears to be nothing to be proud of in almost all spheres aside cases of personal achievements of resilient colleagues.

Basic essential needs were lacking, while Issues that other professions had long taken care of were still hard for Nursing especially in Kenya ……

Also read: The Nurse

Nursing still ranks poor in many development indices while the menace of corruption is threatening to choke the profession to death due to the excessive Mismanagement and uncare attitude towards our available resources by some handlers of our affairs,

Clearly, our challenges of professionhood are linked to the inadequacies of some of our leaders at all levels. Yet, another compelling argument explaining our developmental backwardness is failure by Members to take ownership of their profession….
Also read : Nurses Investment

Because The director of Nursing service said it, I don’t care, I must follow it…… While doing this, other members have another say. No one wants to listen, and no one wants to take advice from each Parties.

Right from student days, Nurses have internal issues amongst themselves and when solutions are brought to the table, you will all notice that, it is not always to make peace but to claim seniority or claim the right of Being in the profession before the accused.

You met me in this profession and as such I am better off than you,
You can’t teach me what I know……

When did you finish from Nursing School.
Even if what the colleagues is saying is right……..

Looking through all this you will gladly agree with me that *One of the major problems bringing disunity amongst Nurses is Bad Leadership*

While other countries are afflicted by natural disasters, Kenya’s own disaster is leadership failure, noting that the metaphor might be exaggerated, yet it is certainly not too far from the truth.

We have burned out decades of self-rule moving in circles from one problem to the other, often caused by poor leadership challenges,
We have sold ourselves so cheaply to other professions just because of misunderstanding and self interest

We have sold our prides to professions that should accord us with respect, humility and prestige….

All because of Disunity, we have neglected our main Purpose for being a Nurse!
We became slaves to those who suppose to worship Us behind our backs

It is Saddening,Disheartning and Exasperating …. That Nursing is weeping and there is absolutely no one with an handkerchief to wipe its tears ….

It is more painful that those who have the will and power to take it Far, refuse to listen to Listen to Its plea of repair

This leadership inadequacy has contributed in compounding a number of our problems, from widening the parochial divisions among the Members to active participation in plundering our patrimony. 

Leadership was key to whatever social change and civilization desired, while advocating a top-bottom approach to solving different problems.
It is only when a soil is good that it roots becomes firm, Its leaves become healthy through photosynthesis and Its fruits Beautiful and consumable

It is the leader that charts and navigates the way for the flock to follow and it is the leader’s action, inaction and body language that dictate the tunes for the dance steps of any profession…..

if a leader eschews corruption, it will be difficult for those below him to indulge in such practice; and if the leader is deep neck in it, it becomes a free-for-all.”

Therefore a solution from this end is that all leaders chosen must be sensible and full of wisdom to act rightly and judiciously

The leaders of this profession at every level and sectors renaissance must therefore be strong, tough, and inclusive in his or her own capacity

Another answer to the problem is to invest heavily in social justice; political justice; and in the promotion of a regime of freedom as broadly as possible.
Nurses must be free to make opinions and suggestions.
Both young and old Must be welcomed to the table to tender what they have

Also our leaders should celebrate shared experiences, connections and togetherness, which far outweigh the differences among the people, while resisting the influences of hate mongers who might be politicians or religious leaders.

This approach should include investment in law and order to ensure that there is zero tolerance for violence and hate speech.

Nursing have its own ethics.
But how many times have our leaders visited it and act on it?

On the other side, fairness and justice should not be only notional abstracts, it should be seen to be on display through every action of the state and our individual leaders…

The strengthening of schools and colleges of nursing with the university scheme as a way to building more bridges across nationalities and sustaining existing ones.
The demography in our universities and this colleges should also as much as possible reflect our ethno-cultural diversities,

 I am sad to note how our school, colleges and universities are becoming increasingly provincial in terms of students and teachers’ population, thereby ending up producing narrow-minded graduates.

It is therefore right to say that what the profession needs is honest and modern leadership that would be a rallying point for its members, one that can tame the consuming tides of corruption and evolve creative solutions to our myriad of problems.

It is my belief that firm and sincere leadership is the precursor for industrious and patriotic followership
Only by them can unity be pronounced and practiced…

This will enhance national development and bring an end to current mutual mistrust that is shaking the foundation of our profession

And to Note that
Before Unity would be achieved fully
These leaders have roles and steps to take

1. The orientation must change that Nurses are not slaves.
When has the leaders at council level visited schools, colleges, and universities to have a one on one talk with the Nursing students?

2. Leaders in Nursing should not be after making money for the organization but see to a high standard of duty discharge of its members and how they would progress

3. The Spirit of Sentiments should be flushed out of the profession
Or else Disunity will continue to thrive like a virus

4. There must be a salary structure that all health settings will hook up unto for all Nurses. Everyone should be entitled to a good and attractive salary

5. It’s should be mandated that all Nurses continue to upgrade, while full support is giving to them at all levels…..

Managing Nursing diversity in the context of justice and fairness is a pathway to progress. If we address these existential and leadership challenges, we are more than half-way into addressing all our problems……

Here I want to put a stop to the topic.
Hence, I hope a message is passed acrossed to us and I also hope that we are ready to bring a change to Nursing my calling and your Calling

Thank you for your time and be blessed

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