Tuesday 12 May 2020

Why Nurses Should Set Up Their Own Private Clinics, Maternity, Hospitals OR Specialist Hospitals.

The hurricane of change is spreading all over the nursing profession as we know all nurses are heart of the care in the health care sector.

It's unarguably nurses make over  70% of the Kenya health sector if not world at Large so,we (nurses) have to look beyond being employed and become employers.

It has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that nurses spend over 80% of their time with patient while other health providers in kenya spending less than 30% making the nurses supposed major stake holders in the health sector but what we get in Kenya is humiliation and broad day robbery and the crown it all. The nurses are bathed and slapped (not literally)by either a doctor , patient relatives , patient themselves or humiliated by Kenyan government.

It's nolonger breaking News that the government has no plan for Nurses , he best approached to make your self happy is to invest in health sector.

I call on the Nurses to take the mantle of becoming an employer of labor, creating jobs and fulfilled their dreams by setting up a facility of their own.

It's momentous and earthshaking to Know Nurses are responsible for sustainability and management of the health sector by improving what was not provided by government.

I'm sure a health care facility set up by Nurse can achieve better outcomes and making the workplace and Community safer than an health care facility set up by other medical professionals.

Instead of subjecting yourself to a private clinic where an average Nurses are paid little , we call all embrace this wind of change and use your license meaningfully .

Please let the Gospel of change in this profession be sounded to all nurses occupying the space of Kenya to embrace entrepreneur and be free from salary Slaves.

I'm a nurse and proud to collaborate with any nurse with same thoughts.

#NurseOtieno #TheNurse

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