Wednesday 27 October 2021

HIV + And Immune Boosters

Boosting the immune system is not that easy. None of the so-called ‘immune boosters’ that you see advertised in our country have been proven to help people with HIV…the only thing they boost, is the bank accounts of the people who sell them.

Your immune system is highly complex. It consists of thousands of different cells and enzymes that interact in many complicated ways. Along with the brain, the immune system is possibly the most complicated system that exists. This is one of the reasons why it is extremely difficult to find a way to boost it. The best natural and God-given way to boost your immune system is to wash your hand evertime you eat anything, avoid eating spoilt food, having unprotected sex, avoid breathing droplets that someone has coughed out, and I dare say; avoid kissing anyhow. Germs can enter your body according to the kind microbes they are and through means I stated above. Once a germ is inside your body, your immune system goes to to war against it. You need cells known as phagocytes to attack these germs and destroy them using a number of bodily chemical weapons….and no amount of ‘immune boosters’ can do this job. It is your natural immune system and it alone that can figure out these germs and protect you against them by producing antibodies to fight them. One kind of cell involved in making all this work is a T lymphocyte (T-cell). Some of these T cells have a receptor called a CD4. CD4 cells in your body are produced naturally by your immune system…not the ‘immune boosters’.

When your CD4 is low…all you need is an ARV regimen coupled with protected sex, washing of your hands before eating, avoiding eating spoilt food and kissing…in that way you immune system can be assisted in naturally producing more CD4s to fight germs in your body and thus stay healthy…not the ‘immune boosters’…There is no scientific evidence that ‘immune boosters’ boost the immune system.

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