Monday 18 October 2021


I have no doubt on what Grace  can do to your life

But am worried on how you think.

Your mind has to be continually renewed with the conciousness that you are a carrier of grace.

Grace is the basis of that partnership between the imperfect man and a perfect God. Your perfection is not needed here.

Grace is Devine acceptance-- When God accept you, accept yourself. If a king can accept a slave(Esther) without asking for her background how about you.

Grace is Devine assistance---- Making you look smart, strong and competent.

Grace is Devine providence--- Putting in place what you need even before you have need for them. So switch from weeping to seeking, because provisions are made available for you already.

Let me help you with a new response to negativity.

Your family is poor, and you have no uncle/aunty to sponsor this your business how do you intend to succeed ---------  Grace.

You are not beautiful, who told you he will marry you----- Grace.

You have failed several times, infact failure is all around you, I don't think you will succeed this
time ------Grace

You are not a perfect match for this job, am very sure you won't be employed -------- Grace

You are not smart in this field, you are a coward, you can't make it --------- Grace.

Whatever it is you have heard------- Grace

When you carry grace every body must like you, even those that don't like you didn't realize they like you and they will come back later to apologize to you. They will  tell you that they were blind earlier but now they can see how much they love you.

Well friends, I present to you Grace.

God bless the rest of your Day.

Follow Nurse Otieno

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