Sunday 13 September 2015


A lot of people seem to follow the same old motto about living today and not thinking about tomorrow. I myself cannot seem to completely agree with this idea, as sometimes it means doing silly things and not caring about the consequences. To me it looks rather unreasonable.

With this post, I just want to share my main principle of living. Keep in mind, it is my personal perspective and I am by no means trying to tell that it is the best or the right way to live your life!

I live by the idea of “three tenses” or to sound more poetically: “Don’t forget your past;  live in the present; plan for the future”. Now, let’s divide this “motto” into three separate parts and go into more details
I believe that we should never forget our past, because it makes us who we are and it surrounds us all the time. It is enough just to look around your room/living space and you have a proof immediately. Because of your activities in the past you are here, you have your friends, you are in a relationship, have a spouse, children. Every single corner of your room is made of your past: old photos, books, souvenirs, clothes, music, even you, your memories are always living in the past, remembering all the good and bad times. Everything in our lives is made of past, that’s why you should never forget it.
No matter what, you should live in this moment, step by step, a bit spontaneously. What’s important is that there is a major difference between being spontaneous and being stupid. Living an interesting life, taking a risk form time to time, starting new activity is great, it makes you feel alive. However, you should never ever go overboard and not think about consequences which might be quite severe and impact your future too drastically. Thus, be crazy, but smart.
As I mentioned before, you present activities impact your future, thus you should always think about it and plan ahead. Sometimes it might not seem like it, but planning is really easy when you are doing it one step or one action at a time. It is all about your choices, whether you want to pass that exam tomorrow and feel a long-term satisfaction or feel joy only for a few hours by going out with friends and getting drunk, but then failing the next day. I myself would choose the first option, not only because to me education is truly important, but also because I care about my future. Plan, as you are going to live in the future which predominately depends on today’s  choices.

Feel free to share you ways of living. Do you follow any mottoes or tips about life? Do you always plan ahead or  just go with the flow?

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