Sunday 6 September 2015


My name is Atieno (not her real name) am 12 years old, I go to school at Sidundo. Am in class 5 and am an orphan and i live with my grandmother. I lost my parents last year and life has been so unfair to me. I have a problem she said to me while crying. Go on my child  feel free with me i will help you i said to her. I could feel she was in pain from the inside. After wiping her tears off, she continued .. While i was at my grandmothers place , she used to leave me alone at the homestead as she went to look for food at the market. One day as she left two men came in and started touching me around my breast and chest. I didnt know what they were doing was bad because they were smilling at me. I was so innocent i thought they were playing with me then suddenly one of the man pulled my pants down and took me inside. He took his pants off and did nasty things to me. I really felt alot of pain, he threaten to kill me if i dared to scream. After he was done, his other companion came in also and did the same nasty things to me and they left. At that moment i wish i was dead. I could not even walk and ask for help i was left bleeding and in a lot of pain.lucky my grandmother on this day came home early and she was able to rush me to the hospital where i was treated. This ordeal  has never stopped haunting me. I do have nightmares and am so afraid of men i really hate all men because i think they are all evil . People in this society view me as an outcast and cursed child with bad luck and they never want me to associate with them and their kids. Am really so lonely and i feel like commiting suicide and join my parents where i can have peace but i cannot do that because of my grandmother. She is too old no one will take care of her while am gone  i do not want her to be sad  she is the only thing am left with in this world. each and everyday i lie to her am okay just to make her happy and stress free but from the inside am dying slowly  but i have to be strong for her. I just wish people could accept me as i am. am a human being i do not eat people she could control her emotions and her grandmother pulled her away.
Let's share love to less fortunate

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