Saturday 19 September 2015


Many of the young men prefer to use the withdrawal method during sex.

The main reasons they gave me for using this method are that they  cannot  afford  to buy condoms on a daily basis. It is expensive for them. They also sighted that there are no youth friendly hospitals in the area that offer free distribution of condoms. Others said they are afraid to buy condoms since the community would judge them harshly. Lastly some were on the opinion that raw sex was extremely sweeter to them.

These young men don’t even know  the risk of using the withdrawal method. They are not aware that withdrawal method only prevents unwanted pregnancies but doesn’t prevent STIs and HIV/AIDS

Majority of the young men said they had unprotected sex without knowing their partners’ HIV status. This is very  very alarming to me. These same young men don’t even know their HIV status.

Clearly these young men from seme need alot of help. I call upon the county governmen, Ministry of health, Members parliament,Senators, Members of county Assembly,Friends  and other NGOs to work together and address this issue.

I believe life is precious and no one should die young because of HIV/AIDS

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