Sunday 6 September 2015



The girl child empowerment has sidelined the boy child making him to be very vulnerable in the society. We have ignored the boy child for too long. The boy child is really suffering out here and something needs to be done before it’s too late and we loose them. A good example is in Usonga ward in Siaya county where you find that a lot of the boy child have dropped out of  school and have been forced into the brick making and bird scaring  business in Bunyala irrigation schemes . Boys as young as 8 years old are into this business and they are paid peanuts due to the cheap labor they offer. To make matters worse they work under harsh weather conditions and there is no food or water for them. They work like donkeys and the parents are okay with them doing such work in the name of boys are heads of families they need to work and put food on the table. Guardians and parents have abandoned their responsibility of keeping their boys in school and instead let them work  for pay. Actually many parents are happy that the burden of paying secondary school fees has been off-loaded from them when the boys drop out of school before they finish their primary school education. Child labor is illegal and is  not right. The troubled boy child dilemma should not be left out to women only to figure out and deal with. Men themselves should start holding the boy child hands the way women have been doing for long with the girl child. if we neglect them the consequences and danger of this is that we are slowly breeding an angry misunderstood violent and marginalized generation of men which has serious negative consequences. Who will save the boy child when the whole world is turning against him? The boy child has no room to be a child in our society. When he cries because he has problems and needs help he is reminded that men don’t cry and should be brave. Let us protect the boy child before its too late.
Support Leonard on his fight for boy child

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