Friday 23 October 2015


Why We Really Need Youth Friendly Services in Usonga

I look forward to school holiday because they enable me to visit my grandmother in Usonga but also to interact with other youth from my hometown.

Before I go home my friends usually remind me to carry them condoms, a commodity so precious, yet so rare.

Condoms are probably the cheapest things one can get, especially those ‘yellow’ SURE ones issued by the government, right? Not in Usonga, my home town.(Youths fear being seen going for them in dispensery)

Even the once I carry aren’t enough.

My friend Ogopa decries the state of inadequate access to sexual and reproductive health services including condoms.

“Sometimes we are forced to recycle condoms because we cannot afford to buy condoms every time. Sometimes it’s a choice between food and condoms. It means that after using condoms, I have to rinse it with clean water, apply some oil and store it for yet another session. It’s not just me alone”

Ogopa has never heard of a youth friendly facility, neither are the hospitals accessible, despite the provisions of the national guidelines on provision of youth friendly services.

‘Do I have to walk for long kilometers just to get a condom? Isn’t recycling just easier?”

Whereas they recognize the risks they put themselves through recycling condoms, to them half a loaf (recycling) is better than no bread.

‘Leonard  most of the people think that we are okay and healthy but the truth of the matter is that we the youths of seme are suffering and we have been marginalized.’

Ogopa reminds me that teenage pregnancies in Usonga that was aired by a local radio some time back  was majorly because of limited access to contraceptives.

He is incensed by wastage of public funds by policy makers and little or no investment in youth friendly services.

“Bring us more condoms when you come back but tell our policy makers that we want youth friendly services, not just for condoms but also for other services including family planning methods”
Help LEONARD OTIENO achieve his dreams of having a good Youth Friendly Resource Centre  where we can discuss our health issues, income generating activities, conflict solving , good relationship and Many More

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