Friday 16 October 2015


Rape is to an adult whereas Defilement is to a minor.
Most perpetrators of defilement are men who take
advantage of helpless innocent young girls to satisfy
their selfish sexual urges. The sad part is that such
criminals are protected by the women who are
supposed to be on the forefront in protecting their
children, but instead, they protect these men in the
name of protecting their marriages and preserving the
name of their families. Rape is having forceful sexual
encounter without the other person consenting to it.
Sex is a mutual activity and both must be comfortable
and consent to it before it happens. Many rape cases
go unreported, only a handful find their way to the
police. Most of the rape cases thaj go unreported are
those that involve friends, acquintances and among
married couples. Yes I said married couples coz there's
marital rape. In my own opinion I think we've all
either raped or been raped but we don't know or
didn't know - Date Rape. Date rape is the very
common form of rape but the least talked about.

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