Thursday 30 July 2015


Guys, when a lady visits you, it is not automatic that
you're going to have sex and it's not a must that you
have sex when she visits. Her intentions of visiting
could have everything to do with bonding, enjoying
your company and spending lovely moments with you
devoid of sex. Unfortunately, majority of men cling
onto the belief that when a woman visits; she is ready
and has come for sex - and this is why most visits turn
nasty as the guy tries to force himself on the lady and
or even some resulting into date rape. Sex always has
to be consensual - if a woman is not ready to have sex
with you when she visits, don't push her or force her
into it, respect her boundaries, understand her
reasons and by doing so you will increase your chances
of having sex with her next time she visits. To have or
not to have sex is all about communication. I will say
that I like sex, I enjoy it and do it with passion, but
sex is never proof of love - it is simply one piece of the
relationship puzzle. One thing I've come to realize
from my interraction with women and sexcapades is
that the timing of when a woman is going to have sex
with you isn't as important as her mindset and
intentions beforehand. And this underscores the fact
that the brain is the major sex organ. So, for me there
is no specific timetable before new partners start
having sex - it is more of building immense amounts of
attraction and having emotional connection. For
women, they interpret sex as the ultimate sign of
intimacy and is much of an emotional act than just a
physical act of dipping an erect dick into a wet pussy.
Women will always want to feel comfortable, relaxed
and emotionally connected before opening their legs
to a man. If she is not ready to have sex with you just
yet, she is not just ready; either she doesn't feel
emotionally secure with you, or she is just not
psychologically prepared. When it comes to sex,
understanding and respecting your woman's need to
wait should supercede your own physical urges.
Ladies, have sex with a guy when you are ready and
you're doing it simply because you want to. Do not
sleep with a guy hoping he will like you more and don't
yield to his pressure and have sex with him because he
insisted. You can do something; which is to say NO, and
never apologize to a man for not being ready to have
sex with him. The right guy has no problem waiting for
his woman as long as he knows the pay off is realistic
and worth his time. The wrong guy will pressure you
and talk about his 'needs', he will say or do anything
to have his way.
NOTE: The right time to have sex is when you want to
have sex.


So you add him on Facebook.
• You check his pictures.
• He Drives A Range Rover Sport 2015.
• He confirms.
• He inboxes you .
• You reply , all excited .
• You'll want to hook up .
• You set a date .
• You dress up that Legging With No underwear.
• smell good
• You put on a make up - fresh breath & new
weave .
• He takes you for lunch to Wimpy .
• He Takes You For Drinks At Banana Island.
• You two have a good time .
• He rubs your hand ,
• Makes you laugh ,
• Gives you looks and smiles.
• You fall inlove .
• It's like you've known him forever .
• He takes you to his apartment .
• He makes you feel comfortable And lays you on
his bed .
• He rubs it gently ,
• Kiss you passionately .
• Pulls You Leggings ,
• They're too tight but he manages to take 'em
off .
• You love his aggresion , strength, power & you
give in .
• It feels good .
• You know it's wrong , but it feels good .
• You ask for protection , he says it's too late.
• You obey & don't disturb .
• He says he loves you
• & you don't hesitate to say you love him too .
•He sex you •
He pulls out , go to the kitchen to get a glass of
water .
• He helps you drink it , ohh man .
• You feel special .
• "He must be the one " , you think to yourself .
• You'll get dressed .
• He takes you to the taxi rank
• He kisses you on the chick & say
• "I had a great time,"
• Gives You KES 1000 • You smile & say
• "See you tomorrow babe " .
• He stays silent .
• Your taxi drives away ,
• In the taxi you can't stop smiling .
• You get home & inbox him that you got home
safe .
• He is online , but doesn't reply .
• It's unlike him , so you inbox him again .
• He doesn't respond.
• Minutes later you can't find him on your friend
list .
• Days , weeks , months passes by.
• You start feeling sick, weak,loose weight,act
strange with sores in your mouth.
• You go to the clinic.
• Get tested.
• Minutes later,
• Nurse walks in."I'm sorry.You're HIV Postive &
Pregnant !
•".HOW ?"
• You don't understand .
• Reality hits you .
•You walk home .
• Scared .
• Confused .
• You go to the train railway.
• You lay, hopeless, emotionless.
•You see the train coming nearer.
• You look into the sky & mumble a prayer.
That's the end of you .
Don't be that girl ! Live well. Stop Chasing
Materials - Be A Girl You Want Your Daughter To

Wednesday 29 July 2015


1. A man has his act together. He has goals and they
usually include finding the right woman and starting
a family. A boy just wants to have fun and considers
the words “commitment,” “responsibility” and
“ambition” as dirty words. Say them around him and
he will run like a bat out of hell.
2. Sure, a real man wants an attractive woman, but
her hotness is not his biggest concern – he wants
someone with intelligence, compassion, morals and a
desire to improve herself. A boy wants that dime piece
that is exciting and wild. He’s in it for the hunt.
3. A man is working toward the future. He has plans to
become financially stable and to be able to provide
well for himself and his loved ones. A boy isn’t
thinking about tomorrow, only what the hottest car is
and how he can use it to pick up the ladies.
4. A man is conscious of the man he wants to be and
he is willing to work at it. He has values and respect
for others. A boy is in it for the moment. He doesn’t
really consider the consequences of his actions.
5. A man will recognize a good woman when he
encounters her and he will be respectful and try to get
to know her personally. A boy will look a lady up and
down and is only interested in scoring.
6. A man knows when to invest time and more into a
woman. He is supportive, while a boy may toss money
at a woman, but only for his own personal gain. He’s
not investing; he’s testing.
7. A man will be upfront and honest about his
intentions. He’s not afraid to be, well, a man! A boy is
going to beat around the bush and never be interested
in having a conversation about a future together.
Indeed, that will make him run like the wind.
8. A man takes the time to enjoy life, but his priority
is improving his life and helping those around him. A
boy is most interested in what club to hit and getting
crunk with his boys.
9. A man will suck it up and ask the tough questions
when the time is right. He does not like rejection, but
he will put himself in the line of fire when necessary.
A boy is so afraid of rejection, he won’t even commit
in the first place. He may be boisterous, but his ego is
so fragile, it would crash and burn at the first sign of
10. A man is, well, real. He has integrity. He doesn’t
feed you a bunch of crap – he follows through on his
word and keeps his promises. A boy will tell you what
he thinks you want to hear and his word is usually
about as good as you can throw a bowling ball.
11. A man will not mess with your head or your heart.
He’s not into silly games. A boy is nothing but games
and he’ll do only what it takes to get you in a
compromising position.
Bottom line: a man is about honesty, integrity and
heart. Can you recognize him?

Tuesday 28 July 2015


Self-esteem is made up of the thoughts, feelings, and
opinions we have about ourselves. That means self-
esteem isn't fixed. It can change, depending on the
way we think. Over time, habits of negative thinking
about ourselves can lower self-esteem.
Sometimes, people don't even realize that they're
thinking so negatively about themselves. Btut once
you're aware of it, and know that the way you think is
up to you, you can begin to change the way you think.
And changing the way you think about yourself
changes the way you feel about yourself.
So if you want to feel better about yourself, try some
of these things:
Notice the critical things you say to yourself. Would
you talk to a best friend like that? A harsh inner
voice just tears us down. If you're in the habit of
thinking self-critically, re-train yourself by rewording
these negative unkind thoughts into more helpful
Are you so used to focusing on your problems that
they're all you see? Next time you catch yourself
dwelling on problems or complaints about yourself or
your day, find something positive to counter it. Each
day, write down three good things about yourself,
and/or three things that went well that day because
of your action or effort.
Some people get held back by their own pressure to be
perfect. They lose out because they don't try. If you
think, "I won't audition for the play because I
probably won't get the lead," it's guaranteed that role
will go to someone else.
Accept that you will make mistakes. Everyone does.
They're part of learning. Instead of thinking, "I
always mess up" remind yourself that it's not about
always, just this specific situation. What can you do
differently next time?
Do you often compare yourself with others and come
up feeling less accomplished or less talented? Notice
what you're thinking. Something like: "She's so much
better than I am. I'm no good at basketball. I should
just stop playing" leads to feeling inferior, not to
feeling good about yourself.
Focus on what you do well, and cheer on others for
their success. Thinking more like this: "She's a great
basketball player — but the truth is, I'm a better
musician than athlete. Still, I'll keep playing because I
enjoy it." helps you accept yourself and make the best
of the situation.
Experiment with different activities to help you get in
touch with your talents. Then take pride in your new
skills. Think about the good results. For example: I
signed up for track and found out I'm pretty fast!
These positive thoughts become good opinions of
yourself, and add up to self-esteem.
If you realize that you're unhappy with something
about yourself that you can change (like getting to a
healthy weight), start today. If it's something you
can't change (like your height), work on accepting it.
Obsessing about our "flaws" can really skew your
opinion of yourself and bring down your self-esteem.
Most of the time, other people don't even notice these
Think about what you'd like to accomplish. Then make
a plan for how to do it. Stick with your plan, and keep
track of your progress. Train your inner voice to
remind you of what you are accomplishing. For
example: "I've been following my plan to exercise
every day for 45 minutes. I feel good that I've kept
my promise to myself. I know I can keep it up."
Don't be afraid to voice them. If someone disagrees,
it's not a reflection on your worth or your intelligence.
That person just sees things differently from you.
When self-esteem is low, it's easy to overlook the good
things people say about us. We don't believe it when
someone says a nice thing. Instead, we think, "...yeah,
but I'm not all that great..." and we brush off the
compliment. Instead, let yourself absorb a compliment,
appreciate it, and take it seriously. Give sincere
compliments, too.
Tutor a classmate who's having trouble, help clean up
your neighborhood, participate in a walkathon for a
good cause, or volunteer your time in some other way.
When you can see that what you do makes a
difference, it builds your positive opinion of yourself,
and makes you feel good. That's self-esteem.
Being active and fit helps you feel good about
yourself. You'll relieve stress, and be healthier, too!
RELAX AND HAVE FUN. Do you ever think stuff like "I'd
have more friends if I were more attractive"?
Thoughts like these can set you on a path to low self-
esteem because they focus on what's not perfect
instead of making the best of what is. Spend time with
the people you care about, do the things you love, and
focus on what's good. That helps you feel good about
yourself, just as you are.

By: Leonard Otieno

Sunday 26 July 2015


Part 1

Most start up businesses need a good business plan;
and most new venture entrepreneurs resort to having
an expert on board to help them write a realistic and
exciting business plan.
We have done a little bit of research on this subject
matter and can offer a little bit of advise on how you,
the new venture entrepreneur can write a good
business plan or improve on the one you have. It is a
wide subject and most graduate and undergraduate
schools in Kenya and indeed in the world devote
entire courses to the subject; we shall only highlight
key research areas.
What’s wrong with most business plans? The answer is
relatively straightforward. Most waste too much ink on
numbers and devote too little to the information that
really matters to intelligent investors. As every
seasoned investor knows, financial projections for a
new company—especially detailed, month-by-month
projections that stretch out for more than a year—are
an act of imagination. An entrepreneurial venture
faces far too many unknowns to predict revenues, let
alone profits. Moreover, few if any entrepreneurs
correctly anticipate how much capital and time will be
required to accomplish their objectives. Typically, they
are wildly optimistic, padding their projections.
Investors know about the padding effect and
therefore discount the figures in business plans. These
maneuvers create a vicious circle of inaccuracy that
benefits no one.
Don’t misunderstand: business plans should include
some numbers. But those numbers should appear
mainly in the form of a business model that shows the
entrepreneurial team has thought through the key
drivers of the venture’s success or failure. In
manufacturing, such a driver might be the yield on a
production process; in magazine publishing, the
anticipated renewal rate; or in software, the impact
of using various distribution channels. The model
should also address the break-even issue: At what
level of sales does the business begin to make a profit?
And even more important, When does cash flow turn
positive? Without a doubt, these questions deserve a
few pages in any business plan. Near the back.
If you want to speak the language of investors—and
also make sure you have asked yourself the right
questions before setting out on the most daunting
journey of a businessperson’s career, we have
researched a few recommendations that discuss the
the framework that systematically assesses the four
interdependent factors critical to every new venture
and shall continue this discussion with Part 2.
Until then, we are open for business and we are here
to partner with you on your journey to create a
successful business.

This part of  exciting
and workable business plan and, we would like
to continue on to discuss the framework which will
systematically assesses the four interdependent
factors critical to every new venture:
1. The People. The men and women starting and
running the venture, as well as the outside parties
providing key services or important resources for it,
such as its lawyers, accountants, and suppliers.
2. The Opportunity. A profile of the business itself—
what it will sell and to whom, whether the business can
grow and how fast, what its economics are, who and
what stand in the way of success.
3. The Context. The big picture—the regulatory
environment, interest rates, demographic trends,
inflation, and the like—basically, factors that
inevitably change but cannot be controlled by the
4. Risk and Reward. An assessment of everything that
can go wrong and right, and a discussion of how the
entrepreneurial team can respond.
The assumption behind the framework is that great
businesses have attributes that are easy to identify but
hard to assemble.
They have an experienced, energetic managerial team
from the top to the bottom. The team’s members have
skills and experiences directly relevant to the
opportunity they are pursuing. Ideally, but not
necessarily, they will have worked successfully together
in the past.
The opportunity has an attractive, sustainable business
model; it is possible to create a competitive edge and
defend it. Many options exist for expanding the scale
and scope of the business, and these options are
unique to the enterprise and its team. Value can be
extracted from the business in a number of ways
either through a positive harvest event—a sale—or by
scaling down or liquidating.
The context is favorable with respect to both the
regulatory and the macro-economic environments.
Risk is understood, and the team has considered ways
to mitigate the impact of difficult events. In short,
great businesses have the four parts of the framework
completely covered.
If only reality were so neat...!
We shall continue on to break down the four
components further to help you, the budding
entrepreneur, think through each and ensure that you
have adequately covered them.
Leonard Otieno Foundation

Saturday 25 July 2015


If you have burning or pain with urination, it could be
a number of things. One possibility is a urinary tract
infection (UTI), but other possibilities include a
sexually transmitted disease (STD), such as chlamydia,
or just chemical irritation from a spermicide. It is
difficult to tell the difference without seeing a doctor
or nurse practitioner.
Urinary tract infections tend to be more common in
girls who have sex. Often, UTIs are the result of
bacteria entering the urethra.
Following these steps will help you to decrease the
chance of developing UTIs:
• Don't touch your vagina with anything that has been
in contact with your anus (this includes condoms, toilet
paper, fingers, etc.). Do not go from anal to vaginal
• Wipe front to back after going to the bathroom.
• Pee immediately before and after sex.
• Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
STDs can have symptoms similar to those of a UTI.
Depending on the organism causing it (and how your
body reacts), you could have burning, vaginal
discharge, abdominal pain, irregular bleeding, or
other signs.
Many times, though, STDs have few symptoms, which is
why it is important for anyone who has had sex to be
tested. And always use condoms with any type of sex
to help prevent STDs.
In any case, the best thing to do is get checked out
ASAP by a doctor or nurse practitioner who can look
for the reason you're having symptoms. It's really
important to get the right diagnosis and treatment

Thursday 23 July 2015


With Sh.41,000 Total Cost of Production You Can Earn Up To Sh.600,000 From One Acre of Watermelon

Water melon sales have risen by up to 30 per cent over the last three years, driven by a growing middle class that has become health conscious. But getting the highest returns from watermelons requires the right preparation and the best choice of seeds. We offer a farm to market guide.

Today the watermelon is a common fruit at breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is an excellent snack between meals and especially for weight watchers. It is used for quenching thirst while providing good nutrition. Often the fruit flesh is eaten with the seeds. Seedless varieties have been developed, but the price of the seed is currently high.

However, a series of hybrids have been developed that deliver a higher quality of water melon and far higher yields. Traditionally watermelon varieties like Sugar Baby, Crimson Sweet and Charleston Gray produce at most 1700 plants in an acre, each producing a maximum of 3-4 fruits. An acre therefore averages 8,000 to 9,000 fruits. The new hybrids guarantee at least 2,500 plants per acre, each producing 6 -8 fruits.

One acre therefore produces 15,000 fruits. Some of the recently developed hybrid varieties in Kenya include: Sweet Rose F1 A vigorous medium to early hybrid (90-100 days) with good adaptability. The fruits are oval to oblong in shape, each weighing 10 -12 Kg. Its flesh is deep crimson red with good texture and sweetness with the sweetness standing at TSS 12-13 per cent. TSS, which stands for Total Soluble solids, is the measure of sweetness and internal quality of watermelons and other fruits. Most fruits have 8-10 per cent TSS, which scientists consider barely enjoyable.

Traditional watermelon varieties fall in the 8-10 per cent TSS category. This variety also has good transport and keeping qualities. Julie F1 A vigorous hybrid producing oval shaped fruits maturing at between 80- 85 days depending on the season. Weighs 8 -10kg with excellent bright red flesh having good juicy granular texture and sweetness of 12-13 per cent TSS. It has small seed size and good shipping quality.

Sugar Belle F1 Medium early vigorous hybrid with a fast maturity of 80 days. It has attractive dark bluish green rind (skin) with visible green stripes. Fruits are round to oval in shape each weighing 8-10 kg. Flesh is deep red in color with firm texture and sweetness of 12 per cent TSS.

Honey Bee F1 This is a new ice box hybrid with fruit weighing 4 to 5 kg maturing at between 60-65 days with 12-13 per cent TSS. The rind is tough, making it excellent for long distance transport. Watermelons can grow in a very wide variety of environments.

The only area they may not perform well are the cold highlands. They grow well form mid hot coastal areas, to dry eastern plains and hilly midlands. In Kenya, watermelons do well in areas like Machakos, Kirinyaga, Nyeri, Meru, Isiollo, Kerio valley, Loitoktok,Siaya,Coast Province and also around Garrissa.

Ploughing of land should be done four weeks before planting. This allows for decomposition of plants remaining from the previous crop. Good ploughing kills all the weeds and buries weed seeds and thus delays their germination. Watermelons are often directly planted without the use of nursery. 2 to 3 seeds are required per hole. But the use of germination trays can reduce the amount of seed required. Water melons predominantly require nitrogen, phosphorus and pottasium nutrients for optimum growth. The most common fertilizer used is the DAP.

At the onset of flowering additional fertilizer will be required as a top dressing. Watermelons do not require wet soil for growth. They have an efficient root system. Watering should be guided by the area grown and the stage of crop growth. Often, irrigation is required every five days in the early stages.

Excessive irrigation may encourage vegetative growth and disease incidence. One acre approximate cost of production and returns Cost of hybrid seeds: 400g is Sh27,000. Ploughing and weeding depending on the type of tools costs around Sh.3,000. Planting fertilizer: DAP 50kgs Sh2,250 Citishooter hormone, also known as rooting hormone to allow fast and uniform growth, costs Sh400 for 200mililitres.

Top dressing fertilizer: CAN of 50kgs at Sh2,200 Fungicide for control of common fungi diseases. Most recommended include Portiva, Antracol Sh1,500 for 200mililitres. Pesticides for control of common pests like aphids, commonly Actara, Karate or Agrinate going for Sh2,500 Total cost Sh41,000 Returns from hybrid watermelons One acre produces around 15,000 fruits, each selling for an average Sh100. Total sales income for 15,000 fruits is Sh1,500,000

Friday 17 July 2015


Here is a list of things you need to teach your Child
(ren) at early age:
1: Warn your Girl Child Never to sit on anyone's laps
no matter the situation including uncles.
2: Avoid Getting Dressed in front of your child once
he/she is 2 years old. Learn to excuse them or
3. Never allow any adult refer to your child as 'my
wife' or 'my husband'
4. Whenever your child goes out to play with friends
make sure you look for a way to find out what kind of
play they do, because young people now sexually abuse
5. Never force your child to visit any adult he or she is
not comfortable with and also be observant if your
child becomes too fond of a particular adult.
6. Once a very lively child suddenly becomes withdrawn
you may need to patiently ask lots of questions from
your child.
7. Carefully educate your grown ups about the right
values of sex . If you don't, the society will teach them
the wrong values.
8: It is always advisable you go through any new
Material like cartoons you just bought for them before
they start seeing it themselves.
9. Ensure you activate parental controls on your cable
networks and advice your friends especially those your
child(ren) visit(s) often.
10. Teach your 3 year olds how to wash their private
parts properly and warn them never to allow anyone
touch those areas and that
includes you (remember, charity begins from home
and with you).
11: Blacklist some materials/associates you think could
threaten the sanity of your child (this includes music,
movies and even friends and families).
12. Let your child(ren) understand the value of
standing out of the
13: Once your child complains about a particular
person, don't keep quiet about it.
Take up the case and show them you can defend them.
Remember, we are either parents or parents-to-be.

Thursday 16 July 2015


- Urinary tract infections are most common in women.
This is due to two different aspects of basic human
- First, the urethra is close to the rectum in women.
As a result, it is extremely easy for bacteria from the
rectum to reach the urethra—particularly if you wipe
back to front instead of front to back.
- This is why young girls often get UTIs—they haven’t
mastered the art of wiping just yet.
- Second, in women, the urethra is shorter than men.
- So bacteria have a shorter distance to travel to get
to the bladder, where they can multiply and more
readily cause infection.
There are other lifestyle factors that can put you at
extra risk of developing a chronic UTI.
- For example, using a diaphragm during sex can
cause problems.
- Diaphragms push up against the urethra, making it
harder to fully empty the bladder.
- The urine that is not fully emptied is more likely to
grow bacteria.
- Another example is constantly changing the bacterial
makeup of the vagina.
- If you regularly use antibacterial vaginal douches,
spermicides, and certain oral antibiotics, you basically
are changing your vaginal bacteria regularly.
- This can increase your risk of developing a chronic
- Menopause can cause similar problems in some
women. Menopause causes hormone changes that in
turn can cause changes in the vaginal bacteria.
- This can increase the risk for chronic UTIs.

Wednesday 15 July 2015


1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush
out toxins and harmful bacteria from the body.
2. It will also help ward off a variety of health issues.
8 glasses each day is recommended.
3. Avoid refined carbohydrates, caffeine and sugary
drinks; sugar stimulates yeast production.
4. Check for possible signs of infection that could be
causing this problem.
5. Maintain proper personal hygiene.
6. Wear 100 percent cotton panties that allow air
circulation and help keep the vulva ventilated, thus
avoiding excessive perspiration.
7. Change pads, tampons, and panty-liners
8. Avoid using scented products down there as they
may contribute to unbalanced vaginal pH.
9. If the problem mostly occurs after intercourse then
simply wash the vagina with water after sex.
10. Practice safe sex.
11. At times, women simply do not like the normal
vaginal odor caused by vaginal secretions.
However, there is nothing bad about it, you just need
to respect your body and embrace your natural odor.
If the problem is severe or does not get better with the
home remedies then it is suggested to consult a doctor


Girls (and boys!) should have information about
menstruation by about age 8. This is an area of intense
interest to girls. Information about periods might be
provided in school — and instructional books
can be very helpful.
Many moms share their own personal experiences with
their daughters, including when their periods first
started and what it felt like, and how, as with many
things, it wasn't such a big deal after a while.


Menstruation is inarguably a natural part of a woman’s health cycle, but for those who live in underserved areas, it’s their most dreaded time of the month.

Due to a lack of access to sanitary products, girls are often forced to miss school and low-income women are more susceptible to infections and other devastating consequences. In places where women’s bodies are viewed with suspicion, damaging social stigmas and myths cast them away from the community, limiting their job options and social interactions, which inevitably takes an incalculable socioeconomic, physical and mental toll on their lives

Here is a reason why Less Advantaged should be helped

In Kenya , Girls Cut Up Pieces Of Mattress Or Use Twigs and Leaves As Pads, Causing Infection

Costing about 60 cents a pop, a package of sanitary pads, even the cheapest kind, is far too expensive for the average girl in Kenya to purchase, according to SWAG. As a result, menstruating girls will resort to using rags, leaves, newspaper, bits of mattress stuffing or even mud, to fashion some form of protection to use when they have their periods. In addition to being uncomfortable and ineffective, these slipshod sanitary methods also raise health concerns.

To ensure girls get the protection they need, and don’t have to miss school just because they have their periods.

Saturday 4 July 2015


1. Pre-marital sex kills faster
than cancer .
2. Abortion does not
make you unpregnant but a mother of a dead
3. The amount of
girls you have sex with, does not increase
'level' but show the level of your ignorance.
4. If you have had sex with up to five
boys or
girls, how
then can you still refer to your
sexual organ as 'private part'? It's now a tourism
centre under the ministry of
public administration.
5. Those that indulge in fornication lose
in life, lose focus on their careers, lose power to
pursue personal
goals and
dreams, lose God,
themselves and lose money.
6. Marriage is not for boys and girls but for
men and women. Until you become
mature, don't
to marry, because you will fail.
7. Sexual immorality is not just a sin, but a
capital sin before God.
8. Masturbation means you are not in
charge of
your life, some one else is.
9. Homosexuality is tampering with the purpose of God
i.e. Procreation, thereby kindling
the temper of God on one. (Read the
Book of Romans 2:27)
10. The ability to control one's vessel (sexual organ) is
wisdom and maturity while the inability
otherwise. Please abstain from
sexual immorality. be wise
May the Lord give u a sound mind and clean spirit 2
resist Sins in
Jesus Name, AMEN.