Wednesday 3 August 2016


Premature Ejaculation; The Cure

Premature Ejaculation refers to a situation where the man hits orgasm way before his partner. Usually happening within one minute of penetration. It is so common, happening to 1 out of 3 men at least at some point in their life. If it happens once in a while, it’s no cause of concern. Premature Ejaculation can cause frustration, Anxiety and shame between the partners due to lack of secual satisfaction for both of them. So, what really causes this problem?

Stress ; both Emotional and mental strain can cause premature ejaculation as it makes it hard for the man to focus during sex.

Erectile Dusfunction : this condition makes it hard for a man to maintain hardness for a long time. They end up rushing to ejaculate so as not to lose the hardness before.

Conception Issues : for a couple which has been trying to conceive for a while, sex stops being for pleasure and becomes primarily meant for conception. As a result, the man focuses on ‘cumming’, unknown to many, this can actually make it even harder 2 conceive

Infections of Inflamations either in the prostrate or urethra can also cause this.

Relationship Issues can also cause problems of either ejaculating too fast or erectile dysfunction. If the problem was non-existent till you started having issues, then the issues are the most likely culprit

Anxiety : especially about sexual performance can also be a contributing factor for premature ejaculation


Oral Medication : some medicines are known to help delay ejaculation significantly, although they really were’nt meant for this purpose. Anti-depresants and Analgesics are among these drugs. Their side effects happen to include delayed ejaculation.

Whether the cause was mental strain or relationship issues, a counsellor can help resolve this causative afent and help you put your sex-life back on track.

Topical Anaesthetics these are creams and sprays which cause a mild numbness on the penis, reducing the man’s excitement to managable levels, hence prolonging the sex-duration.

Behavioral Techniques such as masturbating a short while before having sex can help prolong the duration that the intercouse lasts.

The Pause-Squeeze Method: the idea behind this is reducing the an’s excitement levels by sqeezing the ‘head’ of the penis. When having sex and the man is about to ejaculate, pause, and let your partner squeeze the point where the head joins the shaft. Maintain the squeeze for several seconds until the urge to ‘cumm’ passes. Then you can proceed and repeat the exercise until You’ve had enough

Seeking Medical Help:

Although it can be embarrassing to discuss this with someone else, just remember that premature ejaculation is a very common condition which can be treated just like any other health condition. (Chances are, even your doctor has had to deal with it on a personal level at one stage of his life).

Pic Accredit : GettyImages and Jasiaya Respectively 

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