Tuesday 12 May 2020

Competencies In Nursing

The first time I saw the word competencies, it was in a managerial book, and I realized that competencies are important tools, and skills for every professional. Moreover, nursing profession is a delicate, fragile and versatile profession, thus competencies are important.
Competence is the set of demonstrable skills and characteristics that enable professionals to improve the efficiency, and performance of their job. Moreover, competency is a capacity obtained through understanding and learning.

The idea of capability is in two different form:
1) Potential capacities that may work viably in specific situations
2) Inspiration to give one’s helpfulness utilizing those capacities.

Then again, competency is a social trademark that depends on one’s inclinations and encounters affected by his/her inspiration and mentality. It is an ideal social quality that reasonable prompts accomplishments. Capability (capacity) is a reason for creating competency (conduct attributes).

If competency leaves a trade mark for people in their career, how useful do you think it will be for nurses?

Nursing competency incorporates center capacities that are required for satisfying one’s job as a medical attendant. In this manner, it is essential to plainly characterize nursing competency to set up an establishment for nursing training educational program. Notwithstanding, while the ideas encompassing nursing competency are significant for improving nursing quality, they are as yet not yet totally created. In this way, challenges stay in building up definitions and structures for nursing competency, competency levels vital for nursing experts, preparing strategies, etc.

The world is changing everyday, and there are several issues coming up in the healthcare industry, competencies in nursing enables nurses to strive for the best.

Nursing competencies are integral part of the nursing profession that helps you provide a quality healthcare service to your clients, and patients.

📌Emotional Intelligence:
This is a core competence for nurses. You cannot successfully understand people’s emotion, care for people, or show empathy on others, if you lack emotional intelligence.

“People may not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel”
― Maya Angelou

Certainly, not every of your patient will remember the words you said to them, however they will remember the way you made them feel. An emotionally intelligent nurse, knows how to care for her patients, without hurting the patient in any form.

To master the act of emotional intelligence, I will recommend the book on “Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Coleman” for you.

📌Effective Communication:
Many of us are talkers, but few are communicators, while many of us hear the words of others, but few are listeners. Have you ever had to shun a patient when they are asking annoying, and supposedly stupid questions? What about you listening to those seemingly foolish questions? What about smiling, and making gestures as you listen?

Effective communication differs from speaking, and listening, it has to do with conveying clear messages to someone. There are many misinterpretation in nursing, and the healthcare system today, because many people lack communication skills.

Communication skills are wide, however, you can master the act of the following

✔Listening attentively
✔Marinating eyes contact
Smiling often
✔Avoid interrupting your clients when they are talking

To master the act and art of effective communication, read “How To Win Your Friends and Influence People”, by Dale Carnegie.


Do you know what you do best? Do you know the shift that favors you best? Do you just nurse people the way others do?

Self-awareness is the way to creativity, and competencies. It helps you to become better, and even more confidence. Self-awareness also helps to maintain self-control when necessary, and maximize emotional intelligence.
I recommend “Insight” by Dr. Tasha Eurich, and any emotional intelligence book.

📌Ability to apply knowledge:

What do you when you are faced with the reality of a disease, or condition? Application of knowledge is a skill, and not every nurse has it. You need confidence, and the ability to take risk, to apply your knowledge.

In a continents like Africa, where nurses are almost relegated to nothing, you are expected to. I recommend “The Year of No Nonsense” by Meredith Atwood, and “The Dauntless Nurse” by Arna Robins, Rn Msn and Kathleen Bartholomew

📌Acquisition of knowledge:

How often do you read books? When was the last time you carried out a research on a disease condition?

Knowledge is importance, and it is a core competency for nurses. Have a research, and reading routine, ask questions, and find out what is going on around you.

You can read the following books to help you acquire knowledge:

Notes on Hopsitals, by Florence Nightingale
✳Patients Come Second by Paul Spiegelman and Britt Berrett
✳An American Sickness by Elisabeth Rosenthal
✳Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic by Leonard L. Berry and Kent D. Seltman
✳A3 Problem Solving for Healthcare by Cindy Jimmerson

Competencies can be developed, the same way you develop other skills. Make conscious effort to read, develop ideas, and acquire knowledge.

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