Thursday 14 May 2020

Hand Hygiene

✍️Bacteria and viruses are easily transmitted through most everything you touch. It’s pretty impossible to avoid introducing microscopic particles that’ll attack your immune system into your body on a daily basis. That’s why your best line of defense is hand hygiene.
✍️Hand hygiene is among the components of Infection Prevention and Control.

Hand hygiene is classified into:
📌Hand washing with Soap
📌Alcohol Based-handrub


Routinely wash hands in the following situations:

1️⃣before, during, and after cooking, especially when handling chicken, beef, pork, eggs, fish, or seafood
2️⃣after changing a child’s diaper or helping them with toilet training
3️⃣after using the bathroom
4️⃣after caring for your pet, including feeding, walking, and petting
5️⃣after sneezing, blowing your nose, or coughing
6️⃣before and after administering first aid, including treating your own cut or wound
before and after eating
7️⃣after handling garbage, recycling, and taking out the trash
NB: Health Care Providers Don't Forget of 5-Moments of Handhygiene in addition to above other moments.

✍️The recommended guidelines are to scrub your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds. Rushing the process can result in cross contamination and increased sickness.

Here’s how to wash your hands effectively to stop the spread of germs:

Step 1️⃣: Wet Hands
Wet your hands and apply enough liquid soap to create a good lather. A lot of people reach for soap as the first step, but wetting your hands first produces a better lather for cleaning. If possible make temperature of the water be between 35ºC and 45ºC.

Step 2️⃣: Rub Palms Together
Rub your hands palm to palm in circular motions. Rotate clockwise and anticlockwise.

Step 3️⃣: Rub the Back of Hands
With your fingers linked through the other hand, use your right palm to rub the back of your left hand. Then swap.

Step 4️⃣: Interlink Your Fingers
Link your fingers together, facing each other, into clasped hands. Then rub your palms and fingers together.

Step 5️⃣: Cup Your Fingers
Cup your fingers together, with your right hand over and your left hand under. With your fingers interlocked, rub the backs of them against your palms. Then swap.

Step 6️⃣: Clean the Thumbs
Enclose your right hand around your left thumb and rub as you rotate it, then swap.

Step 7️⃣: Rub Palms with Your Fingers
Rub your fingers over your left palm in a circular motion, then swap.

NOTE: Once you’ve followed these hand washing steps, you should then thoroughly rinse with warm running water and dry with a clean, disposable paper towel. Paper towels are the most hygienic way to dry your hands, but automatic hand dryers may also be used in your workplace. 

#NurseOtieno #TheNurse #WashHands #BeCovidFree

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