Tuesday 12 May 2020


I am an INDESTRUCTIBLE NURSE, but who labeled me❓

You know what they say, 'where there's smoke, there's fire'? , the so called negative branding of nurses is not a total misconception.

What makes you indispensable?

It is that soft touch you are supposed to give your clients. Yes! , that very soft touch you think is despicable.

You go out happily introducing yourself as a nurse and the bitter reply you get is; 'why are you nurses so cold hearted? or why are you so aggressive?' . 
It's not their fault, neither is it yours. It is our fault, it is the nurses' fault.

You can't change that notion by justifying yourself. It's not about you alone, it is about the profession.

Have you ever thought about how this branding came to life?
It is from the 'tiny little things' we do to our clients. All your expressions, all your behaviours from admission to discharge is being noted.

So, the next time you want to #shout at a patient for not understanding instructions you didn't even explain well enough; #rethink.

The next time you want to cover your nose and spit out in front of your patient or avoid a patient because of disgust; #rethink.

The next time you want to #scold the patient or their relatives for not doing the job you are supposed to do; #rethink.

There is always a better way to express yourself. A better way to do things.

If your patients can't see your relevance, then, what is your relevance?.

A nurse is not a fearful person that throws tantrums and neglect responsibilities.
A nurse is a professional that gives comfort even when others desolate.


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