Friday 29 July 2016


This is an excerpt from a brief discussion we had with colleagues  asking about tips to Conceive a baby Girl and I think I should post it up here for anyone else interested in the info,
The topic about Conceiving a boy/ girl is not an exact science; in that, some people have tried to practice all the tips, and still conceived the gender they were not hoping for, but that said, you can try these tips just for the fun of it.
Ok, 1st I think it’s necessary to explain the science behind this. The gender is determined by the sperm that gets 2 the egg. There are female sperms and male sperms; so to speak.
Female Sperm: it is loaded with more matter, and hence its a little heavier than the male sperm. That means it moves more slowly than its male counter-part. But being packed with more matter means it can survive for longer inside the uterus environment.
So, Tips to conceive Female child

•• having sex some 3 days before the expected ovulation date, and then avoiding unprotected sex after that, for about 6 days. That will mean that the male sperms will have died off, leaving more female than male to compete for the egg.

•• Eat acidic foods, avoid alkaline foods. Sperms survive better in alkaline environment. When you consume acidic foods, you make it harder for both genders to survive, but as we’ve said, the female sperm survives longer, so it still works to our favour. Acidic foods include Chocolate, soda, vinegar, meat, coffee, spinach, white rice, tomatoes, milk,, maize, peanuts, popcorns. Alkaline foods include; Avocadoes, lemons, limes, mineral water, pineapples, kales, mango, cabbages, banana, etc
consuming these foods around the ovulation date (2 days before till 2 days after )influence the environment inside your uterus, so if U want a female, consume acidic, if U want a male, consume Alkaline

•• Avoid hitting orgasm. When females hit orgasm, an alkaline substance is produced in the vagina. That promotes survival of the male sperms so avoid orgasm

•• so, in conclusion, let me just say again, it’s not an exact science, but you lose nothing by trying, right?
••• to increase your chances of conceiving a boy-child, of course you simply perform the opposite, simply, have unprotected sex on a those days surrounding the Ovulation

date, eat the alkaline foods listed and hit ’em orgasms.
Oh, Good Luck dear,

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