Saturday 2 April 2016


No wonder you have invested so much into your physical beauty. You buy shoes, different expensive dresses even with your last money on you. You buy expensive wigs and make up. Your physical beauty is all you've got and nothing more. You are able to charm guys and most of them go crazy over you. After exchanging sex for material things such as phones, tabs, bags and jewellery, you come and show them off.

All you know is to dress and pose for selfie and put them up on various social media platforms so people can LIKE and COMMENT. Guys have fun with you by taking you out, pool parties, night clubs, the beach..... and you feel on top of the world. At your age you can't even count the number of guys you have dated and the number of people you have had sex with.

You give them SEX and they give you money and other material things. You have physical beauty but no BRAINS to realize that your act is no different from PROSTITUTION.

You will continue to attract irresponsible men when it comes to settling down. You have all these long painted nails like you are about to act a horror film. You don't even know how to cook well, no sense of saving only spending, you failed miserably in your exams 3 or more years ago and you haven't made any attempt to get back on track. Which sensible man will want to settle down with you???

You think you can use your physical beauty and SEX to get everything in life?

My dear THINK again because there are men and there are wise MEN. Wise men prefer to settle down with a lady with a purpose or substance. A lady who is the position to use her knowledge and skills as a true partner in contributing to the resources of the family.

There is nothing wrong with being physically beautiful and having fun but then your physical beauty ALONE will not get you far...add more value to your LIFE.

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