Sunday 28 June 2015


tips for finishing well

I’m a geek about goals. I love to help people set and achieve goals and finish well. I personally don’t want to quit this race before the whistle blows. Here are 5 of my best tips for finishing well.

Many people set goals. But not so many people actually accomplish what they planned to do. Accomplishing goals requires hard work, but with a bit of encouragement and some logical equipping, I believe anyone can finish well.


God’s number One on our bucket list is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength” (Mark 12:30). God’s objective for our lives is not who we are, but whose we are.

When our lives are fully his, love becomes our way of life. There is no judgment, pride, comparison or ego involved in God’s success plan.

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18


This is not just busy work. Many people resist writing down a goal every day. But there is a real, scientific reason for doing this.

In our subconscious brain there is a part called the Reticular Activating System, or RAS. The RAS acts to filter out the billions of bits of information it deems unnecessary for our attention every day. We would literally go crazy if we didn’t have a RAS.

One of the criteria the RAS uses to filter is – what’s been on your mind lately. If you’ve set a goal to write a book about moles, and you write that down every day, and you think about moles, and you read about moles, you will be informing your RAS that moles are very important to you.

All of a sudden you will notice stories, articles, and other bits of information having to do with moles.

Try it, it works!


God gives us the desires in our hearts. He set us up to want what He wants for us. And He loves to see us realize our desires. If He is in the desire, He also wants to be in the accomplishment.

Pray circles around your goals. Read The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears by Mark Batterson. It’s an awesome book about goals from a Christian perspective.

God’s number One on our bucket list is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind…


Before you set detailed goals, spend some time thinking about your vision. My next blog post will give more details on this. Is there a word or phrase that represents the overall picture of where you would like to see your life going this year?

If so, consider creating a vision board using the app Success Vision Board by Jack Canfield. Keep this electronic vision board on your computer as the screen saver, as the wall paper on your smart phone or tablet. And print it out and post it somewhere where you will be reminded of the vision God gave you.


When we have weak eyes, we wear glasses. When we have a weakness with regard to organization or discipline we should use tools to help us. I am not naturally organized and disciplined. That’s why I love helping other people achieve their goals. I know how it feels to be unsuccessful. I know how it feels to have a spaghetti brain!

A calendar to schedule time to work on goals. Make appointments with yourself, and keep them!
Toggl to keep track of how much time was spent on each of your projects.
Evernote to keep track of benchmarks and information as it comes to you.
A timer to keep track of the time you invest in a project. The time can easily get away from me. Sit down, set the timer and don’t get up until the timer goes off.
I hope these tips help you to actually accomplish your desires and finish well.

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