Friday 4 March 2022

Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Prevents HIV

The first topical HIV prevention method to be submitted for regulatory approval, it is an intravaginal silicone ring, developed by the International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM) for HIV prevention.

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The ring delivers an antiretroviral drug called dapivirine. It’s released slowly over the course of one month directly to vaginal tissue to help protect against HIV at the site of potential infection. Little of the drug is absorbed elsewhere in the body resulting in low systemic uptake.

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This means that the drug is unlikely to be found in high concentrations in the bloodstream and other body tissues, which may reduce side effects as well the risk of development of HIV resistance. Data from Phase III studies of the ring show no evidence that the ring increased resistance to NNRTIs, the class of ARV drug to which dapivirine belongs and which is also used in some treatment regimens.

The Dapivirine Vaginal Ring reduces the risk of HIV-infection, and offers a discreet and long-acting alternative to daily oral PrEP.

Although access to daily oral PrEP is increasing around the world, a daily pill is not a suitable or desirable prevention method for everyone. Today, women account for more than half of all people living with HIV globally, and face persistently high HIV-infection rates. Experience introducing oral PrEP in many countries has revealed that women face unique challenges when it comes to adhering to a daily pill due to gender inequity, social norms and other structural barriers.

Efficacy data shows that the ring reduces HIV risk by 35 percent, with recent data from open label extension studies suggesting a greater reduction in HIV risk by about half. Modelling has shown that even a partially effective prevention option can have an important protective impact for women and their communities as part of a comprehensive HIV prevention strategy.

Like oral PrEP, the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring does not protect against other STIs or unwanted pregnancy.

The ring does not reduce risk of chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis or herpes, or unwanted pregnancy. There are studies underway examining the safety of a combined dapivirine-levonorgestrel ring that would protect against both HIV infection and unwanted pregnancy, as well as different vaginal rings that combine antiretrovirals and other medications to prevent STIs.

For more information read Dapivirine

1 comment:

  1. Nice piece but I believe oral PrEP is still a much better option if you consider the efficacy rate
