Wednesday 20 October 2021

What's A Pre-Labour

If you are nearing the end of pregnancy. You may be wondering what signs indicate labor is nearing. Here are a few....⁠
So what is pre-labor?⁠

Pre-labor or prodromal labor can start weeks before you actually go into labor. ⁠
Nurses get this question daily: "Hey I lost my mucous plus, does this mean I will go into labor soon?" Unfortunately it can come out weeks before labor sets in.⁠
Just remember that all of these signs may or may not make themselves known to you. It doesn't mean you won't go into labor soon. They may be happening without you knowing it. ⁠
Pre-labor signs:⁠
Fatigue: You may find yourself feeling like you did in the first trimester. This is your body gearing up for the big day. ⁠
Nesting: You might just get a sudden burst of energy and desire to get all the things done and organized. This is awesome but be careful not to over do it. ⁠
Mucousplug:  The mucous plus is a seal closing the cervix and protecting the womb.It looks like snot with strings red or brown blood. ⁠
Cervix: Your cervix may begin to dilate,⁠
Discharge: You may or may not notice a difference in your vaginal discharge, both color and consistency.⁠
Clumsiness: You may feel more clumsy than usual. This can be caused by the hormone relaxin that the body produces to relax your joints for labor.⁠
BackPain: Many women notice an increase in lower back pain as labor approaches. ⁠
Lightening: You will notice a big difference in your ability to breathe when the "baby drops". The baby will settle lower into the pelvis in preparation for labor. But with this comes intense pressure in the vagina. Sorry....⁠
BraxtonHicks: Sometimes, these increase and occur more often during pre labor. Consider these a bonus practice for the real deal.⁠
Poop: Yep, you might notice loose stools which is also a bonus as your body might just clear itself out before game day. (If not, don't worry!)⁠
What were some signs you are noticing or did notice before labor?

Also read: Grace

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