Lets discuss the risk factors that increase the risk of
getting cervical cancer.
1. Infection with HPV is the most common cause
especially the high risk types.A routine pap smear is
the best way to detect abnormal changes before they
develop into cancer.
2. Having multiple sexual partners and early age of
sexual debut(earlier than 16 years)
3.women who have had too many or too frequent births
4.smoking. A woman who smokes doubles her risk of
getting cervical cancer.
5.having other sexuall transmitted infections such as
6.immunosuppression. in most people with healthy
immune systems the HPV virus clears itself from the
body. However HIV infected patients or people who
take medication that weaken their immunity have low
ability to fight off infection.
7.oral contraceptive use.Women who take oral
contraceptive for more than 5 years have increased
risk of cervical cancer. However,the risk returns to
normal within a few years after the pills are stopped.
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