Sunday 24 April 2022


Despite centuries of stigmatization, the vagina is truly incredible. 💗

Among many other things, it’s the structural connection between the outside world and the female body’s most powerful reproductive organs. 💪

So it makes sense that the vaginal microbiome — defined as the complex ecosystem of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, that lives inside the vagina — has biologically evolved to help protect that reproductive system. 🔬

Every day, the vaginal microbiome performs the equivalent of modern health miracles. ⚡️

It can fight off yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis (BV), protect a pregnancy, and possibly even defend against cancer, as well as play a crucial role in your overall health.

🔑 This #VaginaAppreciationDay, we’re celebrating vaginas (and vulvas and the vaginal microbiome!) because it’s time we started to recognize them as superpowers and not liabilities, as sources of pride and not shame, and as beautiful, complex, powerful parts of our bodies.

Leave a 💗 if you agree!

#destigmatizevaginalhealth #NurseOtienoWrites