Sunday 30 January 2022

The Code Cart Or "Crash Cart."

This is the heart of every unit. It’s the last weapon in the arsenal( get to know the meaning of arsenal not the football club); the final measure standing between this life and the next. Its function and its contents are universally known by nurses across the continuum. 
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You should certify it every 2 years to ensure that you are up to date with the latest evidence for optimal outcomes. You should run “mock codes” to train for the many scenarios that require precision and sound judgement. You should check it daily to ensure that it is properly functioning and equipped with the tools and medications designed for the single purpose of prolonging life and preventing death. Any missing item, oversight or misstep can mean the difference between success or failure. 
 Also read : Nurse Are Rude
No matter what is happening around us, when the Crash Cart is activated, nothing else in the nurse’s world matters in that moment. We form one team. We assume one role. We speak one language. And we unite together with one mission- to save a life. 
When was the last time you familiarized yourself with the crash cart?

When was the last time your crash card was updated?